Future National Coast Guard Museum


Future National Coast Guard Museum


Although there is an existing museum dedicated to the history and legacy of the Coast Guard Academy at the school itself, the Coast Guard is the only branch of the military without an official national museum. As the current museum’s mission is to “Honor, Engage, Educate, and Inspire Generations,” the future institution hopes to expand the awareness of the scope and honorable dedication of Coast Guard missions. Planned by the National Coast Guard Museum Association, Inc. to reside along the banks of the Thames River in downtown New London, the Future Coast Guard Museum has the potential to embody a cultural and economic shift for the city of New London. Hoping to connect and revitalize New London under a common theme of past and present military service, the Future Museum strongly believes in this site. Due to the location of the Academy and the Coast Guard Base at Fort Trumbull, there is nowhere better than New London to display the history and continuing role of the Coast Guard.


Jennifer Wilson

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