A Connecticut College Bookshop Request Form filled out by Linda Lee Abel during her first semester at Connecticut College. The form includes Linda Lee Abel's full name and Connecticut College Box number '1701.' The form indicates the textbooks she…
Program from the Connecticut College Class Day '69 containing a list of the class officers involved in putting the event together and an order of the proceedings which took place on June 7, 1969 at the Connecticut College Arboretum.
Program for the Connecticut College Class of 1969 Baccalaureate Service held on Saturday June 7, 1969. The program contains a listing of the order of the proceedings for the service, the names of those leading each service, lyrics to the various…
Program listing the various academic programs offered at Connecticut College in 1966. The program was meant to notify potential students for the incoming Class of 1969 of the dates, times, locations and faculty members hosting the group and…
A typed letter from Connecticut College President Charles E. Shain announcing to the parents and friends of Connecticut College that Connecticut College would become a coeducational institution beginning in September of 1969 by admitting men.
A pamphlet describing the August 24, 1966 find of dinosaur tracks in Rocky Hill, Connecticut during excavations for the foundation of a Connecticut State Highway Department Laboratory. The pamphlet describes the find, the events that took place…
Clipping of a New York Times article written by William Borders on the topic of Yale University going coeducational for a week starting on November 4, 1968. It describes the student sponsored effort that allowed a total of seven hundred girls from…
A newspaper clipping of an article that describes dating scenarios from a male's point of view. It gives suggestions and advice to girls based on perceptions of boys' personalities, expectations, thoughts and feelings. Advice on dating conduct,…