Homer Curtiss writes to his mother and sisters about life in camp, what he is reading, opinions about the Republican nomination and Union generals, and food prices.
Homer Curtis writes to his family about his daily routine and a recent review by General Sheridan. He also gives extended assessments of the generals of the 6th Army Corps.
Homer Curtiss writes to his mother and sisters about his attempts to rejoin his regiment, Washington D.C., the difficulty of taking trains, and his correspondents at home.
Postcard of the Old Huguenot House, a.k.a the Nathaniel Hempsted House, in New London, Conn. The card is addressed to Howard Bispoh in Harrisville, R.I. It has 1915 postmarks from New London, Conn., and Mapleville, R.I.
Postcard depicting a view of Huntington Street in New London, Conn., from Church Street. The card is addressed to Miss Laura Pease in Hazardville, Conn. It has a New London postmark from 1909.