Muddy Waters is one of the most popular coffee shops in New London due to its menu, location, and ambience. While enjoying a breakfast sandwich and hot coffee one can admire the variety of movie posters, unexpected collections of miniatures, and…
A small childbirth card with an illustration of a little girl with a wagon and a small duck on the front. Transcription: 'There is nothing like / a Dame! / ours! / Name: Amy Dawn / Born: May 19, 1969 / Where: Jewish Hospital Cincinnati /…
A small card from Linda Lee Abel's friend Louise Moreland Thomas. The card thanks Linda for her gift of an electric popcorn popper at Louise's bridal shower and looks forward to the future get-togethers.
This article offers a male's opinion on previous articles published in the Conn Census. These include a Christmas ad, an article about a Cabinet Straw-Ballot decision against giving the Conn Census editor a right to vote on upcoming issues and a…