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William Smith writes to his wife about life in the camp, what he is eating, the box he received from her, and the health of other soldiers in his regiment.

William Smith writes to his wife about the Battle of Chancellorsville and its aftermath, asks whether she has received the money he has sent her, tells about the things that he has lost, but that he has managed to keep the photographs of theā€¦

William Smith writes to his wife about the situation in his camp, skirmishes with Confederates, his inability to get a furlough, drunken officers, and his suspicion that the war is being prolonged by corrupt and treasonous politicians in Washington.

William Smith describes to his wife the march from Appomattox Court House to Richmond, his witnessing of Lee's surrender, his sadness at Lincoln's death, and his suspicion of the Confederate soldiers.

William Smith writes to his wife of the march back from Appomattox following Lee's surrender and of the imminent dissolution of his regiment.

Thomas Pimer describes to his father the Union defeat at the Battle of Fredericksburg and provides graphic details of the casualties. He also expresses disgust at having to fight for the abolition of slavery.

Thomas Pimer writes to his father about the fortifications his unit is building in southern Virginia his regiment's practice of seizing African-Americans from local slaveholders and compelling them to work for the Union army.

Thomas Pimer writes to his father of serving as a military policeman in Norfolk because of conflicts between Black troops and sailors.
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