William Digby Smith, 14th C.V.I., July 3, 1864


William Digby Smith, 14th C.V.I., July 3, 1864


United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865

United States. Army. Connecticut Infantry Regiment, 14th (1862-1865)

United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Manpower


William Smith writes to his wife about the regiment's recent combat experience, serving in a noncombat role, and the prospect of a draft.




July 3rd 
Camp in the woods
Near Petersburg Sunday morning
My Dear wife I received your
kind letter dated June 26 and was
glad to hear you na and the children
was well as this laves me at resent thank
god Captain Broach he has got Back
to the redgement and he has Comand
of it know Murdock he has got back
to I seen gorge hide old man hides
son that youst to keep the Boarding house
in the farms he is a leutenant in the
Second Connecticut Dear wife we have
got Relieved from the front for a few
days but it tis a bulley Place how long we
will stop I donth know Dear wife the boys got
it surround near that goe shot himself for he
never got to the redgement although wilber
Peck he is well and so is Heman Crowell Dear
wife if you could send me a pair of
Suspenders them you sent me is pretty well
wore out and about you sending News
papers you can send them if you want
My Dear wife I herd them say that
the ware going to draft again I hope
So I want to see some more of them 

[page 2]
big bugs Drafted but I hope it twill not
fall on aney of my frends you may talk
abbout soldgering this Summer takes
Anney thing down that ever was known
but the boys are all in good Spirits the
have fetched us some soft bread and pickles
to day for my self I fare pretty well for
I get the same as Capt Brigham Russell
and greham I Cook for 3 of them it
tis pretty hard but I fare better and
I have know Picket or guard duty
to do I have know gun athall it was
taken from me the 20th of April about
me not been in danger there is as
mutch danger Some times as if
I was in line of battle all the difference
there is that I donth have to go in
know charge nor to stand up
in line of battle when the fight
Cominces I can go to rare and
wait untill it tis over but Some
times it tis as hot in the rare

 [page 3]
As it tis in the front I have been
whare there has been poor fellows to that
was a long side of one tore to pices
but thank god I have never got
a scratch I go allong sometimes
when the bullets is a whissing and 

Shells is bursting I get so I donth
mind it I am so youst to it
if it tis a mans luck to get shot
or wounded he will but thank god
for his goodness towards me for I never
felt as well in my life as I do know
it tis the hardest campaign that ever
was knowin and I have stood it first
rate so far Dear wife Heman Crowell
told me to tell you he would
be home in 3 months to paint the
house for you I hope so I must
Draw to a close give my love
to father and family Mr 

[page 4]
hubbard and family David
John and family I hope none of
frend will not be drafted
Kiss the children for me
Keep up good Courage
rite soon From your
loving husband W D Smith
good Boy

Original Format





“William Digby Smith, 14th C.V.I., July 3, 1864,” Linda Lear Center Digital Collections and Exhibitions, accessed September 13, 2024, https://lc-digital.conncoll.edu/items/show/1811.