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William Smith writes to his wife of his difficulty of getting paid and his attempts to get her the money she needs.

William Smith writes to his wife of their current camp, the money he is sending home, how the draft is affecting people at home, and argues with her over the frequency of their letters

Thomas Pimer writes to his father of his impending discharge, an opportunity to participate in the occupation of Texas, and the current status of Richmond.

Thomas Pimer writes to his father of his disappointment in not hearing from home, health in the camp, and the situation of the local citizens.

Thomas Pimer writes to his father about his new camp, camp life, and what he is eating.

William Smith writes to his wife about his chance to get a furlough, his pay, sending money home, the current state of the regiment's officers, and opinions of George McClellan.

William Ingram writes to his wife about the difficulties of getting home and the progress of the war in Louisiana.

Lucy Curtiss writes to her brother Homer on the eve of the Battle of Cold Harbor about not being able to get any news about his regiment.

Lucy Curtiss writes to her brother Homer of the false newspaper report that his regiment had been mustered out of service and that he would return home, preparations for the Fourth of July holiday, and family news.

Homer Curtiss writes to his mother of his inability to get a furlough and the entertainments in camp.
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