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Visual Description: A picture of a group of girls, three on the left standing, and two seated behind a dark wooden desk. The girl furthest to the left is half cut off by the picture frame and is holding a clipboard. The middle standing girl is…

Visual Description: A picture of a group of girls in a class. Three standing on the left and two seated on the right. The furthest most girl on the left is slightly cut off. She is holding a notebook with both hands. The middle standing girl is…

Cornelius Gold writes to his mother about life in camp, homesickness or the lack thereof, new recruits, and meeting up with fellow townspeople.

Charles McCracken writes to his brother James about the situation of his camp outside Savannah after the war, his frustration with the rations he is receiving, and financial difficulties and opportunities back home.

Cornelius Gold writes to his family of life in camp, his frustration at his clerical duties and desire to be trained for combat, and visiting with wounded soldiers

Romulus Loveridge write to his Gunnery classmate Cornelius Gold about his experience in the Battle of Olustee outside of Jacksonville. Gold forwards the letter home with a note describing his meeting with his friend George Bissell, a paymaster in the…

Cornelius Gold writes to his mother of camp life, religious observances in camp, skirmishes with Confederate pickets, and the general state of the Union army after the Florida campaign.

Cornelius Gold writes to his brother about camp life, other soldiers, dealings with officers, and his job as regimental secretary.

Romulus Loveridge writes to Cornelius Gold of operations around the siege of Charleston and life in camp.

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