Hempsted Houses
New London's adjacent Hempsted Houses are historic buildings, both originally built by the Hempsted family. The Joshua Hempsted House was built in 1678; according to the Connecticut Landmarks organization, it's "one of the New England's oldest ahd most-document dwellings." The other house, the Nathaniel Hempstead House, was built in 1759 for Joshua Hempsted's grandon, Nathaniel. The house is sometimes called "Old Huguenot House" because of a local legend that French Huguenots were involved in the construction. (Sources: http://www.ctlandmarks.org/content/hempsted-houses; http://historicbuildingsct.com/?p=1566; http://historicbuildingsct.com/?p=1566)
Click the below links for postcard images of these houses: