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Cornelius Gold Journal, Page 38

Wednesday June 4. Raining hard. Go in a Sampan [1] with
Capt. J. to the Daylight. And after an hour with Capt.
Saunders. go ashore. First to Russell + Cos + the
American Consul [2] for letters. to the P.Office [3] for missing
ones. then to ship Chandler [4] Desilvers. Retd to the Oriental
+ spent the afternoon with my friends at home.
Thursday June 5. Rain. convenience in discharging cargo. 9 A.M. Take
my letter of introduction to Russell + Co [5]. receiving
kind attention from Mr. Dillino [6]. Present draft to
Smith Archer + Co [7]. By Mr. Dillino’s advice give it to his
Comprador [8] to draw + keep for me. Order 3 pr Canvas
shoes + 2 pr slippers. Attend Supreme Court + listen
to the prosecution of ten pirates. Afterward found guilty
+ sentenced to death.
Friday June 6. Visit the Chinese quarter [9]. Centre
Market. pass the jail [10]. Call on the Consul. Rest and
tiffin [11] at Oriental hotel. Find letters in the P.O. from
Miss Warner, Lillie, + Mr. Shild[?]. + read them at Russell
+ Co’s. Talk with one of their boys from Kent Conn. Two hours
in and about the barracks. Witness fire drill of the 99th
Reg. in white uniform + helmet hats. Close with exercise
in the Gymnasium + invitation to come again. “Home”
at 7 P.M.

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