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Cornelius Gold Journal, Page 48

was picked up by a boatman. from the water.
Tuesday, July 8. Discharge last of cargo. Go ashore in P.M.
to settle my affairs. Spend evening with Capt. + Mrs. Hodge-
ton, on board the ‘Cannata’ [1] arrived from Singapore 2nd inst.
She anchored close by us this morning.
Thursday July 10, A.M. Go with Cap. Ginn to the office of
American Consul and sign ‘the articles’ by which I am
created ‘boy, wages $5 per month.’ Capt. G. takes 5 Pd
charter from Manila to London or Liverpool.
New crew to day, and a tipsey time  . One fellow in irons
in the Boatswains locker. P.M. Go with Capt. and Mrs. H.
to their portrait painter in Hong Kong.
Friday, July 11. Before breakfast visit the Dead house
but fail to recognize Chandler in the distorted body there.
Mail letters to Mother and Mary Smith. Goodbye call on
the Cannata. The Jabez Snow getting ready for sea.
These latter days flooded with rain, wind, and typhoon
threats. P.M. Shift anchorage to the vicinity of Green
Island at harbor entrance and wait for fair weather.
Saturday, July 12. P.M. Go to sea. Fine breeze.
In the night a heavy squall carried away our upper
fore topsail. I was on deck from 8 P.M. till 2 A.M.
much of the time in a pouring rain, keeping lookout

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