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Cornelius Gold Journal, Page 39

Saturday June 7. “Hot.” Ashore in P.M. Engage a “pull
[1] boat to wait on one all the time. Begin to weary
of Hong Kong. it makes my legs ache. An hour at
Russell + Co’s [2]. Invitation to dine at the “Hermitage”
tomorrow evening at 7 o’clock. Exercise in the
barrack gymnasium - swinging leaping +c.
Jump over the "3 ft 6” (inches) peg.
Sunday June 8. Ship overrun with Hong Kong
dollar seekers. Artists, tailors, show makers + peddlers
of every description + nondescript. I attended
the Scotch Presbyterian Church at 11 A.M. Its own
pastor being ill, his place was supplied by Rev. S. W.
Bonney of Canton [3], who preached an excellent
sermon about 15 minutes in length. Tenet.
2d Peter 1: 19-21. Spoke to him after service, on the
score of my common Cornwall derivation. Returning
to the boat, stepped into the Roman Catho. Church, where
three kneeling worshippers, two or three gliding
+ bending priests + boys in black gowns, and a
Chinese father + mother consecrating their babe
by aid of a young priest, were all. Aside from China
serving men, a pleasant room, + the usual decorations
of Romish faith [4]. At 7 P.M. by invitation of Mr. Dillino

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